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apEX : "C'est toujours la victoire le vrai objectif"

Page 2: English version
Dan "apEX" Madesclaire joined Clan Mystik in August 2013 and they participated to the “Masters du Jeu Vidéo”. He agreed to talk with us about his career, performances, regrets and his new line up.
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Hi apEX, you are actually undoubtedly one of the best French rifle. You played for Team VeryGames and Team-LDLC, these adventures started in January 2012 and ended in August 2013. You are now playing for Clan Mystik and are also a member of the A French squad (for the European Championship). What can you say about your career ? How do you analyse the “failures” with VG and LDLC ? Concerning LDLC, it is different. We were together with Maniac and Vincent (Happy) for a year and have played with eight different players : Iorek, sf, skall, mshz, gmx, mat, atlantis and kennyS. We have given so much to this team, but it became tiresome to constantly start a new line up. Nevertheless, we stayed together until proper results. But in September, new troubles appeared : Sf wanted to quit playing and KennyS had no motivation anymore. It may well prove to be the last straw that breaks the camel's back. We did not want to start again with Maniac and Vincent and thought it was better to quit instead of wasting more time. After everything I have given to this line up, it was a huge disappointment. Of course we can make it. We saw during the last Masters with only a week of training together that we were able to show a good game against VeryGames. To confirm this performance we just need more time and more training. I would love to win the ESWC, it is the most prestigious title in my opinion.
As I said above, maturity came with the kick from VeryGames. It made me think a lot about my situation. What did I miss to be better ? It is really difficult to change sometimes, to step back and question yourself after this kind of failure. But I think I managed to do it, even if it is not for me to judge. The age is probably also for something, I'm on my 21th year. I get older, I find it easier to take a step back and work. I realized that having a correct behaviour when you are in a team is the most important thing. For example, I had a hard time accepting criticism and I always had something to add or reply. Today, even if it is still in my temperament, I am critical to successfully evolve without saying anything. I am now well integrated especially because HaRtS wanted to let me hold positions I like. It was pretty messed up for the rest of the team, but we adapted quickly. All members of the team were friendly. HaRtS really trusts me, and showed me it by giving me the co-leader role. So yes, clearly, my integration is great. I would be lying if I told you that I went into the team fully confident about our potential, but each player has impressed me and now I am really happy to be part of this team.
It is clearly this weekend that showed me the level of the team and the huge potential we have. But it is relative, it was just a minor event, we will show a higher level for the next big competitions. The hardest part of playing counter-strike in a high level, is not to make a performance, but it is to renew this performance at each event. We will work hard in order to achieve this and, I repeat, we are able of it. It has been a while since I had not been surrounded by four great players as motivated as there, it’s awesome ! HaRtS and iorek are two world champions (WCG, 2007 with emulate!) and you also have a good international experience. How far can you go with this team ? As you play with Harts and he is known for its stability and its construction in time. I would like to ask you what are your shot, medium and long term goals ? Harts and Iorek have a huge experience and a sense of reflection that I love, they want perfection. As soon as you lose a round they really think about solutions to improve and correct errors. Although we have not yet spoken about objectives together, but we are 5 competitors, we want to be number one. In the short term we want to win ESWC.Fr and represent France in ESWC tournament. In my mind, the victory is always my goal.
To be honest my speech with my mates was: "If we play VeryGames: no pressure, it is the team of the moment, they are much more ready than we are, it is a bonus to play them, let's see what happens." After that, in my mind I will not say that it was doomed to failure, but I know this team as if it was mine, I knew their level and with so little preparation I could not imagine to win a map.
This match was really intense, we showed them directly that we were not afraid of them and we had to give everything. When we saw that on inferno, in terrorist, we scored so many rounds in a row, we really believed that we could defeat them. Because we were a new team, we made error that led to us losing the match. It’s too bad, because a success like this for such a young team, gives confidence for further competitions. But no regrets, the next event we will show them that their victory was only based on luck :)
You can find all interviews of this style, with recent FRANCE|NiaK or from season 2012/2013, with NiP Fifflaren, n!faculty Sephi, VG NiaK, VG Ex6TenZ, O+|Sonia, VG|Scream and imG Oztrik3r.
Traduction by LaMangousteFurieuse
Page 2: English version
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en deux minutes...T'as lu que les questions ? :D
En réponse à dragn- #1 - Répondre à ce commentaire
"Valentin, 21 ans, avec un trais bon niveau de lecture..."
Cet homme recherche une team, prenez le, je vous en supplie.
En réponse à LaMangousteFurieuse #3 - Répondre à ce commentaire
2mins03 pour tout lire tu es trop un dieu mec! GG!
En réponse à dragn- #1 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Même ici tu te fais lamer ? Mon pauvre..
En réponse à dragn- #1 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Classe à quand une itw de fRoyGe ?
En réponse à Skw4ll #4 - Répondre à ce commentaire
On est d'accord que ce serait quand même plus intéressant.
En réponse à Skw4ll #4 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Nope moi ;)
En réponse à fRoyGe #15 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Aks interview Aks. Okkkkk :D
En réponse à Aks- #25 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Sa fait plaisir d'avoir une bonne ITW comme celle la de temps en temps !
bonne interview plaisante à lire (rare pour moi) !!!
Je suis d'humeur cochonne du coup je t'ai mis un -
En réponse à dragn- #10 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Dan et "l'eau ça mouille" ? :p Belle interview sinon!
Super interview et super joueur. J'espère qu'on verra CM en internationale.
"Comme je le dis au dessus, la maturité est arrivée avec ce fameux kick de VeryGames,"
"Merci maman d'avoir toujours été là pour moi !(LOL)."
Très sympa à lire ! good job Maxime: )
Merci, mais je n'ai fais que les questions...
En réponse à b3Nj #18 - Répondre à ce commentaire
KIO est une sorte de ScreaM/Sf, avec un aim hors du commun. Il a une énorme confiance en lui ce qui est vraiment bien, il faudra juste qu'il fasse attention à ne pas trop sous-estimer les adversaires.
tu peux le dire clairement il a pris la grosse tête :) comme sixeR sur 1.6
Apex c'est le mec qui vient en lan en short? Le successeur de Josh. Les légendes.
Aie, aie, aie ! J'aime la video :p
"Point négatif à son compteur, il ne parle pas très bien français." Mdr, quel gros con :D
Je sent que je vais me faire insulté mais le : "Point négatif à son compteur, il ne parle pas très bien français." j'ai pas bien compris ^^ KQLY n'est pas français ou juste il parle trés mal xD ?
Aks, go jouer au loto ( cf: dernière question ;)