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Interview NiP avec Fifflaren

Page 2: English version
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Hi Fifflaren, you made a name for yourself early on thanks to the various teams you played for including Adastra, Volt Gaming, Dignitas or Check Six. You also participated to the CGS with Berlin Allianz. After all those years, what keeps you motivated? Since NiP was reborn, you have been playing with guys who won virtually everything on 1.6. Who's got more to teach? What tips did you give and what tips did you receive? As for what I think oft he game today, well I feel that they have improved it a lot. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting the CS:GO devs twice already to give feedback and also to get information on how their mindset is to the game. There are still some minor things that needs to be fixed, but I really do enjoy this game and it’s fun to play! Which is something that’s really crucial for me, if I didn't enjoy playing then I probably would have thrown in my towel already. So I really want to give a big thanks to valve for really trying to make the game big, something that they failed to do for Source! As for for them not being able to beat us, I think that it’s hard to play us in general, since our style of play is something that most people are probably not used to, it gets quite hard to counter us and to read what we might be doing, and of course don’t forget that we have 3 of the worlds best 1.6 players who’s been known for their insane rifle aim as well as friberg who was undoubetly one of the best source aimers at the end, he didn't get enough credit in Source, but it’s really not that easy to be in a team that expects him to drop 30 every game and if that doesn't happen they lose and suddenly he’s a poor player.. doesn't make that much sense! Like NBK told me after the DHW finals, he said that he felt like CKRAS in Source, they also came second a bunch of times behind VeryGames and I think it gets harder to play against a team that you constantly lose to, like a mental block. But I really do feel that they are also improving every single time we play them and I think that they just need to have patience and to keep playing, they have 5 great players and I think that they are adapting to CS:GO well, I do however feel that they are worrying too much about us and not taking into consideration of other teams, which might hurt them in the end.
We are indeed going to Northcon, that will be the last event for team NiP this year, there’s a lot of teams attending so it’s going to be a great event to end 2012 with. As for us going to NorthCon without GeT_RiGhT, that is not true. He will indeed be attending the event with us, so we will have the same 5 as the other events we’ve attended. He will however have a break after the event to prepare and undergo his Surgery, which we all know will go well! I think it varies from player to player how much we practice outside of regular practice hours with the team so I can only speak about myself, but I try to practice individually as much as time allows me to, which is normally around 1-2 hours per day, I usually try to death match, since I’m AWPing for the team now, which is not something I‘m accustomed to, so death matching to get my zoom_sens in order and to sort out my reflexes a little bit is what I do on my spare time. As for team practice, we practice Sunday – Thursday every week, especially now since there’s been a lot of events recently, and we normally start at around 18:00 CET and finish at 23:00-24:00 CET, so as you can see, we play quite a lot! I really think that ESC, Na’Vi, fnatic and VeryGames will do well, if mousesports keep playing I also see them as a threat, it really just comes down to which teams keep practicing, but I think that any one of these teams will do do good during 2013. Well the only thing we got planned for 2013 is ESEA if we qualify. I believe that the LAN playoffs will be in March, so that is definately something that we want to attend. As for other events, we will just have to see what comes up and if we have the time to attend it. But hopefully there will be some nice big events coming up. Then you will for sure see us there!
We have two last questions for you : the technical one and the bonus one. 1.6 players often use to crouch when they are moving. Your players, both from 1.6 and from css do this, why ? What is the real utility of this technique ? Haha, well we used it a lot before Valve decided to Nerf it. We felt that it gave us an edge coming into a duel to spam the crouch a little bit extra to get the model moving, but after the update we can’t really do that anymore, so now we tend not to use the crouch that often, obviously it does happen on occasion that you end up holding down crouch and mouse 1 and hope for the best Haha! Well HeatoN did actually step-in for us for a week when xizt was away, he actually plays a lot of matchmaking and pub games, but he can still shoot some heads for sure! Big shout out to our fans as well, we love you a lot! And also a big shout out to my girlfriend Anita, I love you and thanks for the support |
Page 2: English version
C'était Potti
En réponse à WPR #6 - Répondre à ce commentaire
euh non ct heaton
En réponse à FREIHH #8 - Répondre à ce commentaire
T'es viré !
En réponse à FREIHH #8 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Non non c'est bien potti, c'est ces noobs de aaa qui se sont plantés quand ils ont fait la vidéo. Mais si tu regardes bien les deux profils et les carrures de chacun, tu vois bien que c'est pas les mêmes.
En réponse à L4p #11 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Je pense que tu craques, Potti est plus bronzé et ne ressemble pas du tout à HeatoN, fais donc une petite recherche google images. C'est bien HeatoN là, mais il a bien maigri et forci depuis, je te l'accorde !! :D
En réponse à FREIHH #13 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Voici Potti. D'ailleurs GTR l'a habilement comparé avec un skin terro : Cordialement
En réponse à FREIHH #13 - Répondre à ce commentaire
En réponse à FREIHH #13 - Répondre à ce commentaire
C'était Heaton :
En réponse à WPR #6 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Génial! Un bon gars se Fifflaren.
belle itw, j'espere croiser heaton en MM un jour :p
Un mec avec la tête sur les épaules, j'aime bien sa vision de la scène !
allez VG un effort pour devenir imbattable sur csgo maintenant ?! :D :D
bonne interview , merci vakarm :)
5/6h par jour , 5 jours par semaine
qui peut rivaliser si nip progresse plus que les autres équipes qui veulent les battre :D
+ 1 a 2 h de deathmatch xD et sans doute des mix entres potes ! en effet ils crament le jeu!!!!
En réponse à Spidah #21 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Ben tout les jours on cottoie les f0rest, friberg, GeT_RiGhT, Xizt GuardiaN, steel, RegnaM etc ... en pug sur ESEA, ils streams tous leur partie, j'ai même joué avec mOE et ses 175 de pings !
En réponse à PsykuP #23 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Il se sont mis au jeu très tôt avec un rythme d'entrainement soutenu, un partage des connaissances de chacun et ça paye !
Très bon gars ce Robin Johansson !
C'est mieux que cette pauvre itw qu'ils vous avez accordé aux ESWC je crois.
Question/réponses intéressantes gg. Sa m’entonne pas d'Aks.
Spoted la faute d'orthographe sur le chéque x)
le chéque, mh mh :D
En réponse à Mikkk #26 - Répondre à ce commentaire
18h-23h ? Ils sont sérieux ? Ils regardent meme pas plus belle la vie ? Chauuud
Pourquoi il est marqué Ninjas In Pajamas sur le prix de la dreamhack ? :D
Pajamas/pyjamas signifie la meme chose en anglais (ça dépend des us et de l'uk en faite)
En réponse à REPALY #30 - Répondre à ce commentaire
bonne interview juste dommage que la question sur heaton n'est pas été plus complexe commet :
Quel role joue vraiment heaton ? de son passer de progammer vous apporte t'il des conseils ? et bien sur la question que tu as possé ;)
Je prends bonne note.
J'essais de faire mieux au fur et à mesure des interviews :)
En réponse à Jools.BzH #31 - Répondre à ce commentaire
je n'en doute pas, le boulot réalisé par le staff vakarm est de tres bonne qualité et pourtant je suis réstée tres longtemps a lire aaa, cs-fusion etc.... depuis l'époque 1.5
En réponse à Aks #33 - Répondre à ce commentaire
je pense pas que heaton puisse apporter grand chose à f0rest, gtr et xizt.
En réponse à Jools.BzH #31 - Répondre à ce commentaire
HeatoN apporte beaucoup au contraire, c'est un soutien moral à l'équipe même s'il ne joue que le rôle de Coach il est la pour remettre son équipe en place quand il le faut, il gère leur planning d'entrainement et c'est aussi je pense le contacte presse de NiP.
En réponse à ThierryLaFronde_ #36 - Répondre à ce commentaire
cest un peu le ey3shi3ld des buykey en moins bonne qualité looooool
En réponse à ThierryLaFronde_ #36 - Répondre à ce commentaire
On avait déjà posé une question sur Heaton et son rôlé lors de l'interview de GeT_RiGhT donc la question d'Aks était plutôt bien adapté ;) ( cf : )
En réponse à Jools.BzH #31 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Oui belle interwieu mais pas de scoop non plus
Très bonne interview :)
Sympa d'apprendre que Heaton joue pas mal sur CS:GO, j'espère le voir à l'oeuvre un jour avec les NIP !
Merci !
En réponse à KayyZer #43 - Répondre à ce commentaire
Heaton, la bonne époque.