Membre depuis le 31-08-2012
Pseudo olliz Nom Thomas
Anniversaire 15-04-1992 (32 ans) Metier Animateur
Ville Paris Pays France
Jeu favori Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Arme AK-47 Carte de_train
Equipe préférée LGB eSports Joueur préféré
Rédacteur préféré FREIHH Commentateur préféré Personne

HeartArena with MajE ( FraxKen, XeoRgännN[z], anntny, ducler )
Pxl33 with MIXINTHECITY ( Keustyy, XeoRgännN[z] ,bibou, pOiNt )


Insalan 8 top 3 Amateur with piLLbox ( TAZZ, RuNi, C0x, tch1ki )
Anjougame 12 top 9/12 Elite with GUERILEROS ( SrT, Haxou, mio, cesriz )
LanEx 16 top 1 Amateur with Aera-Esport! ( Hibou, Xerox, FLY, Pr3d4t0r )
Cap Arena 2 top 7/8 Elite with iNetgamer ( TAZZ, Wanneguene, Kylan, Kir4Zz )
Ludus Lan top 9/12 Elite with POKEMON ( antho, Electron, niveK, SpX )
Kaolan 10 with WeaksaW! ( Asa, Rixxir, Break, SrT )
Frpclan 8 top 1 Elite with SPIDERCOCHON ( Kir4Zz, bastiaN, Balt0r, RkillZz )
Masters Français des Jeux Vidéos 2012/2013 top 4 with redzone ( SrT, Haxou, yog, Tony )
Virtual lan 11 top 2 Elite with redmix ( SrT, Toyi, Tony, bloody )
Nant'Arena 13.3 top 1 Elite with OxYburn.batcat ( vinckell, keynaM, Max0b, Masta_BzH )
Insalan 9 top 9/12 Elite with Pulse Gaming ( vinckell, keynaM, Max0b, Masta_BzH )
Nant'Arena 14.1 top 5/6 Elite with DOX-SERV ( pOkk, knukk, RuNi-, tONTONNNNN )
Lan Archi-Numérique 2 top 1 Elite with Devils Batz ( Sunny, kOLBATh, tONTONNNN, firenzz )
Gamers Assembly 2014 top 9/12 Elite with nSydia ( knukk, pOkk, PetitSkel, RaTllllll )
LanEx 18 top 4 Elite with ESHOCK ( knukk, pOkk, PetitSkel, RaTllllll )
Cap Arena 3 top 9/12 Elite with redmix ( SrT, Tony, Haxou, mio )
Waf Lan #2 top 9/12 Elite with SpartiatE ( bloody, R6, akin, frenchi )
Opale Arena top 9/12 Elite with neXuS experience ( Saito, Rkillz, Rixxir, Deane )
Virtual lan top 5/6 Elite with redmix ( SrT, Haxou, mio, FARIS)
Nant'Arena 14.2 top 4 Elite with Elements Gaming ( SrT, Tony, Toyi, FARIS )
Ultimate Arena #1 top 7/8 Elite with Elements Gaming ( SrT, Tony, Toyi, FARIS )
Cap Arena #4 top 7/8 Elite with redzone ( SrT, Tony, Toyi, FARIS )
Nant'Arena 15.1 top 9/12 Elite with redzone ( SrT, Tony, Toyi, FARIS )
Ultimate Arena #3 top 5/6 Elite with NONAME ( tONTONNNN, FouF, ShP, elystrae9k )
Gamers Assembly 2015 top 3 Open with Awsomniac ( knukk, arK94, K4na, keynaM )
Virtual lan 12 top 3 Elite with Hyperia ( eNc, kOLBATh, Sunny, pxz )
Formulan top 2 Elite with Hyperia ( eNc, kOLBATh, Sunny, pxz )
Ultimate Arena #4 top 7/8 Elite with MajE ( Sunny, iDAZ, w1z, anntny )
Processeur Intel i5 3570k Mémoire Corsair 8 Go
Carte graphique Asus GeForce GTX 660 Ti 2Go Carte son
Disque dur Seagate Carte mère Asus
Ecran BenQ XL2420T OS Windows 7
Souris Razer DeathAdder 2013 Tapis souris Artizan Hayabusa
Clavier QPAD MK-85 Casque Kingston hyperX Cloud Noir/Blanc
Derniers succès
3289   0
Livre d'or
26/08/2013 00:23
J'ai réussi à mal l'écrire. Bravo moi.
26/08/2013 00:22
29/07/2013 15:37
Kaolan 10 with WeaksaW! ( Asa, Rixxir, Break, SrT )

tu parles de celle là ? :DD
29/07/2013 16:35 Réponse de olliz
28/07/2013 11:24
Frpclan 8 top 1 Elite with SPIDERCOCHON ( Kir4Zz, bastiaN, Balt0r, RkillZz )

hey , bj !
28/07/2013 19:19 Réponse de olliz
C'était pas la bonne lan a win =P
20/07/2013 04:41
C'est toi le geek de vakarm lol
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