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NBK en test chez Cloud9

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By announcing the end of mixwell's trial within the structure earlier this week, it seemed pretty clear that G2 Esports had renounced to support Nathan "NBK" Schmitt's project, and had chosen to continue with shox's lineup instead. Now that Alexandre "bodyy" Pianaro and Kenny "kennyS" Schrub have already started training with their new teammates, NBK and Dan "apEX" Madesclaire have to think about their own future, and the newly ex-IGL of G2 Esports might have already found something else across the Atlantic.

Following a report from and according to our sources, NBK could be taking a chance within Cloud9 at this very moment as a replacement for Pujan "FNS" Metha. The Canadian in-game leader, bought 200 000$, was benched only two months after joining the American structure, resulting in one of the biggest money losses in the history of Counter-Strike. But thanks to that, Nathan might be able try leading again, at the head of a team that has been struggling a lot since winning the Major in January and losing Stewie2k, one of their best player, in March.

NBK is known for always getting along well with international players and speaking a perfect English, and he always had an interest in joining an international team. Considering the current instabily of the French scene and the many failures he encountered these last two years, joining Cloud9 is probably the opportunity he was waiting for. 

Cloud9 will be in Europe next weekend for the Esports Championship Series finals in London. During the event, C9 might very well cross paths with G2 Esports, which, if the ECS rules allow it, will most probably be entering with its new lineup made of shox, kennyS, Ex6TenZ, bodyy and SmithZz. The league recently made changes in its rulebook and is now allowing teams to operate two transfers within one season, but only one can come from another team taking part of the ECS. Cloud9 already used their joker with FNS, so NBK won't be competing with the American team this time.

We tried to join NBK for a statement but he declined to comment on the matter for the time being. 

Translated by Miles

Page 2: English version
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