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CS:Promod 1.08

Alors que CSPromod stagnait depuis un an, et que le staff du mod se décomposait petit à petit, il semblerait bien que le projet ait tout de même réussi à sortir la tête de l'eau puisqu'en l'espace de deux mois, nous avons eu droit à deux versions beta. Depuis hier, c'est la 1.08 qui est en effet disponible.
La persévérance, voilà un mot que l'équipe de développement de CSP doit connaitre ! Malgré les vives critiques autour de leur travail et notamment autour des délais d'avancement sur le projet, les choses continuent d'avancer. Après une version 1.07 un peu plus encourageante, voilà une version 1.08 qui règle encore pas mal de soucis.
Voici le changelog, en anglais :
Feature Additions
- Added mp_autoteambalance
- Added sv_deadchat 0/1/2
General Changes
- Added blood fountain effect on headshot
- Added flying ragdolls on death due to C4 and HE grenade
- Made players dying in-air go straight to ragdoll
- Improved spraying with all weapons by tweaking the random number generator
- Improved spectator mode and fixed general jerkiness
- Fixed and improved the death cam, it now follows the killer properly and switches to his point of view if the server allows it
- Reduced network usage (can reduce choke)
- Tweaked the spread of each pistol (Glock, USP, and Deagle)
- Tweaked the rate of fire of all weapons to match CS 1.6 perfectly (except burst and zoomed)
- Tweaked the scoreboard colors and transparency
- Fixed a small displacement gap causing a visual glitch at bombsite A
- Fixed palmtrees being rendered behind the 3d skybox
- Fixed some displacements that allowed you to jump ontop of 64 units crates.
- Added a clip on the sandbag model @ midd AWP spot CT side, you can no longer jump ontop of it without a boost.
- Fixed a couple of train textures being backwards
Bug Fixes
- Fixed flashbangs being too strong with mat_dxlevel 95 (DirecX 9)
- Fixed crash occuring on map changes
- Fixed bug allowing players to look through the ceiling when jumping in cramped areas (vents/under trains)
- Fixed bug allowing players to jump and slide down in freezetime when spawning on a slope as well as during normal play
- Fixed bug causing flash overlay to be carried over in spectator mode
- Fixed bug causing crouching to look instantaneous in spectator mode
- Fixed fall viewpunches not working in spectator mode
- Fixed double reload sound in spectator mode
- Fixed first person blood effects in spectator mode
- Fixed knife damage from behind to a teammate
- Fixed AWP sensivity issues with high latencies
- Fixed bug causing round restart and other round states getting executed multiple times per frame
- Fixed player names being visible through new smoke particle effect
Tweaks/Minor Changes
- Added an option to default rate to 1Mbit
- Added "toggle console" to the Binds menu
- Added missing self nade icon deathnotice
- Changed sv_maxrate to 131072 in listenserver.cfg
- Fixed some errors showing in the console
- Increased viewpunches when getting hit
- Improved team selection bind (also closes team selection now)
- Improved in-game menu handling (switching between menus)
- Tweaked spectator speed
- Started working on bots AI - improved navigation
- Changed vtable layout of IPlayerInfo interface for improved plugin support.
Petit détail d'importance pour cette nouvelle beta, assurez-vous de bien d'avoir fermé la fenêtre de jeux Steam après avoir lancé CSP afin d'éviter des ralentissements.
Pour tester et vous faire votre propre avis, suivez les liens de téléchargement mis en place par redLine-Hosting :
Lien : CSPromod