

Actualité de la scène


NBK - Killer Instinct - 20 messages, 7392 vues
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Réponse #11
Par hst - 09/10/2017 17:10:02
pas fou
Réponse #12
Par nFIVE - 09/10/2017 17:45:32
Well done, keep up the good work.
Réponse #13
Par AZIDOT - 09/10/2017 18:07:24
how much time you spend on it ? great job!
Réponse #14
Par VanD2k - 09/10/2017 18:33:19
Nice FragMovie, i like the "shadow" style of the begining.
Réponse #15
Par zedgar - 09/10/2017 19:09:43

i like the music choice, specially first one
Réponse #16
Par SiCKO - 09/10/2017 21:46:05
Thanks a lot man! I agree there are some funky parts, especially in the second half, but you know how it goes when you try to make such a long video haha! Of course I've been inspired from serp and everyone in the old Steamworks group, and this video is sort of like a "hidden" tribute to the good old movies.

I appreciate you taking the time to write a "review" haha, it's been a while since I've seen that. Thanks a lot!

Hey mate, very nice movie, been a long time I didn't review a movie since Movievault :

Overall, it's pretty good, good choice of music, content is premium (thanks to Nathan) and it's pretty smooth all along.
Editing is quite ok, frags aren't cut and overedited which let us savouring it and you don't abuse of light effect so it's pretty clear for us, big +1.
Just, the filter you use might be sometimes too much, the effect of "smoke" in the background. At some point we barely see where he is aiming and even though it's not a big deal I felt like it could have been reduced a bit.

First part goes very smooth, the rythme is pretty mastered with the frags, I liked it a lot, we saw that you tried some new effect (ex : 1:22) (A bit weird tho :P) but it gives some fresh stuff.
Second part of the movie was a bit tricker to me, the music is hard to synch with the frags and this, despite the different camera effects. Either it could have been edited differently (more cut on the frags to synch with the beats) or the music wasn't the one I would have picked, but that's only my opinion. After all it reminded me of the Dumbazo movie from serp, I don't know if you got the song from here or not :D.

Good job for the video :) a good 15/20 to me. Feel free to post more french player movies here :D

Réponse #17
Par petitbateau - 09/10/2017 22:01:41
Nice edditing but i don't like the color: it's too 'bland'.
Réponse #18
Par QcpR - 10/10/2017 09:57:59
Great job dude :)
Réponse #19
Par BURTON - 10/10/2017 10:06:56
Wow this first song reminds me Reason on css ->

This is the name of the gaaaame

Nice vid bro :)
Réponse #20
Par ikken - 10/10/2017 11:31:38 - Modifié le 10/10/2017 12:11:37
Very nice !
Par contre le son de la M4 S est vraiment stylé ! J'ai pas ça moi, on peut l'avoir ingame ?
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