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MAJ CSGO - 21 messages, 6996 vues
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1er message
Par BrkK - 29/08/2013 23:55:44 - Modifié le 29/08/2013 23:58:35
Mis à jour de la semaine, plus de corrections de bugs que autre chose

- Added ability to rename a weapon’s name with a custom engraved nameplate via Name Tags.
- Simplified trading with other players by adding a Start Chat button to CS:GO profiles.

- Chicken changes based on pro feedback:
-- Reduced chicken sounds dBs and volume.
-- Reduced idle clucking rate.
-- Reduced range that scares chickens when running.

- Adjusted Weapon Case Key and Payback Pass prices for foreign currencies based on current international exchange rates.
- Fixed an issue causing poor rendering performance, especially for SLI/Crossfire users.
- Fixed M4A4 loadout selection not saving correctly between sessions.
- Fixed competitive round backups restoring M4A1-S as M4A4 and USP-S as P2000.
- Fixed observers seeing smoke screen overlay when a smoke grenade popped on their last alive position.
- Fixed bomb activate/plant/defuse sounds not playing if the bomb was out of view
- Fixed Payback Coin description incorrectly displaying the number of hours logged in game.
- Fixed missing localization for Payback map maker Coins.
- Fixed an empty item panel sometimes showing on the scoreboard.
- Fixed Elite world model physics.
- Added flipping sound to inspecting the Desert Eagle.
Réponse #2
Par rklower - 29/08/2013 23:57:06 - Modifié le 29/08/2013 23:57:20 - Ce membre est banni définitivement
Voila il est 23h57 je pense que tu es rongé
Réponse #3
Par Lek - 29/08/2013 23:57:33
Release Notes for 8/29/2013

- Added ability to rename a weapon’s name with a custom engraved nameplate via Name Tags.
- Simplified trading with other players by adding a Start Chat button to CS:GO profiles.

- Chicken changes based on pro feedback:
-- Reduced chicken sounds dBs and volume.
-- Reduced idle clucking rate.
-- Reduced range that scares chickens when running.

- Adjusted Weapon Case Key and Payback Pass prices for foreign currencies based on current international exchange rates.
- Fixed an issue causing poor rendering performance, especially for SLI/Crossfire users.
- Fixed M4A4 loadout selection not saving correctly between sessions.
- Fixed competitive round backups restoring M4A1-S as M4A4 and USP-S as P2000.
- Fixed observers seeing smoke screen overlay when a smoke grenade popped on their last alive position.
- Fixed bomb activate/plant/defuse sounds not playing if the bomb was out of view
- Fixed Payback Coin description incorrectly displaying the number of hours logged in game.
- Fixed missing localization for Payback map maker Coins.
- Fixed an empty item panel sometimes showing on the scoreboard.
- Fixed Elite world model physics.
- Added flipping sound to inspecting the Desert Eagle.
Réponse #4
Par GosT - 29/08/2013 23:57:47
Voila il est 23h57 je pense que tu es rongé

Yep 6x MO à dl, pas d'infos sur la MAJ.
Réponse #5
Par Ax!oN - 29/08/2013 23:58:02
23:57 et j'attends toujours..
Réponse #6
Par GosT - 29/08/2013 23:58:53
23:57 et j'attends toujours..

Reboot steam et lance ton jeu ça va dl.
Réponse #7
Par rklower - 30/08/2013 00:00:18 - Ce membre est banni définitivement
Voila il est 23h59 tous le monde envoi la MAJ en Anglais mais personne ne comprend --"
Réponse #8
Par Ax!oN - 30/08/2013 00:03:11
23:57 et j'attends toujours..

Reboot steam et lance ton jeu ça va dl.

Elle a commencé il y a quelques secondes. ty
Réponse #9
Par Tony- - 30/08/2013 00:03:15
- Chicken changes based on pro feedback

Réponse #10
Par eTRR - 30/08/2013 00:04:16 - Modifié le 30/08/2013 00:07:14
Rien de bien important, de nombreux fix pour corriger les différents bugs mineurs apportés par la grosse mise à jour. Des changements concernant les poulets, mais ça on s'en fout.

Le point le plus important c'est la possibilité de renommer ses armes pour 1,49€ : dans votre inventaire, cliquez sur votre arme et vous aurez "rename" :)
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