31/03/2013 :: Merci à tous de nous avoir suivi. Dès...
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31/03/2013 :: 13-2 à la fin du side pour NiP, il ne...
31/03/2013 :: 12-1, voilà voilà
31/03/2013 :: Pause, un bon moyen de ne pas rendre cette...
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31/03/2013 :: En rapide ou en plus travaillée, la prise B...
31/03/2013 :: 4-1, WW a pick deux premiers frags et a bien...
31/03/2013 :: 3-0 pour NiP, les WW avaient choisi...

CPH 2013 : La preview féminine

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Page 4: English Version

The least we can say is that this first female tournament hosted by the Copenhagen Games did not left the female gaming community indifferent. Indeed, 13 teams from 9 different countries will fight for the 1st place during two days in Denmark. This event will undoubtedly establish a European hierarchy of the female CS:GO scene.

High seed teams

The four high seeded teams has been unveiled, and there's no surprise to find these teams here regarding their online and offline performances. Competition will be tough and these teams will have to battle hard if they don't want the other teams to worry them.


Winner of Epsilan 10 female tournament, n!faculty is one of the favorite teams on paper. International team, they aren't currently involved in any online tournament in order to focus their efforts on preparing for Copenhagen Games. They are currently bootcamping at the n!faculty gaming house, in Cologne, to be prepared as best as possible.


Statement from Mathilde "Sephi" Koenig :

Copenhagen Games will be our first international event, which is a good opportunity to see if our pracc nights bear fruit. A lot of really good teams will attend. We will have to play better than at Epsilan or Sennheiser Cup if we want to make it to the highest stop of the podium. We planned a one week bootcamp in the n!faculty gaming house one week before the event, in order to get back into the game and to perfect our game. One thing is sure, this weekend will be far from relaxing ! We are really looking forward meeting the other teams, but also to prove to the organizers that they made the right decision to organise a female tournament. After all, what we all want is to show good games to the public !


 Alternate Attax


After a great performance at ESWC 2012, they lost against Ubinited in grand final, who made two near-impossible comebacks. Thus, they are one of the favorite teams for the Copenhagen Games female tournament. Since ESWC, shushu joined the team in replacement of n i c i. They will do a one week bootcamp before the event.


Statement from Melanie "beyoNd*" Gutsche :

We are really happy to get the chance to take part in such a big event as Copenhagen Games, thank you to all the organizers and sponsors! The female scene has grown much in the last month and teams are already preparing for the tournament, so i guess that we will see a lot of good and exciting matches there. Teams like Millenium, Oplus and n!faculty are one of the favourites because they spend a lot of time in practising. Our team will make a bootcamp one week before CPH and im really looking forward to see all of my girls again and especially our new player shushu. She is a very nice person and awesome player and integrated herself fast into the team. Its the first event for us with that lineup and im really excited. Its always a lot of fun being with my crazy team together and i hope we can use our time in the bootcamp to be well prepared for the matches.




After ESWC, and their 3 losses in group stage, some roster changes have been made. Only Foxglove and Jennyzz stayed, they have been joined by Gina, Julie, and IpSa. Once again, this is an international team who will here represent Sweden. They scored respectively 9 and 10 rounds against Ubinited and Alternate; we'll see what they can do with their new lineup and after a bootcamp.


Statement from Nina "Foxglove" Flatnes :

Right now we are counting down the days for Copenhagen Games, this will be our first tournament as a team and we are of course very exited! Copenhagen Games along with Sennheiser have done a great job making this tournament possible, and I would like to give them a huge thanks for believing in Female e-sports. We are very much looking forward to meet all the teams and have a lot of fun, this event is going to be amazing!
I would also like to thank Epsilon along with Razer for their great support. With only 6 weeks in total to prepare for the event, we have really made the most of the little time we got. After a most needed bootcamp and some intense practice hours, we feel confident that we will be on the same level as the other participating teams. Our ambition is to finish top 3 and we will give all the teams a good fight, may the best team win!




Formerly O+, these girls got recruited by DRUIDZ one month ago. At ESWC, they managed to score 9 rounds against Reason Gaming, who were the favorite of their group. They unfortunately ranked 3rd of their group, which didn't allowed them to go into the winner bracket. It will be interesting to see how they progressed, especially with their new recruit Sonia who played for Reason and Ubinited.


Statement from Julia "julie" Kiran :

First of all, we are very excited about going to Cph Games! Finally we have a full roster and everything seems to be going in the correct direction. After some player changes we are now doing everything we can to catch up! Our practice schedule is to play as much as possible and it is going well, we have been practicing against male teams mainly and it will be fun to play against the girls as they will not know what to expect from us and vice versa. We feel we are prepared for the LAN and it is going to be really fun to meet all the girls once again! Although many of the teams have been bootcamping, unfortunately we are not going to be doing that but nevertheless I'm very excited to take part in this tournament and I am also glad they have got this arranged for female teams.The rules were published a few days ago and we like the idea that there is going to be 2 groups, therefore each team will play more matches but we hope that 3 teams will pass the group stage and not only 2. I just want to give a big thanks to our beloved organisation Druidz.se who have given us this opportunity. I would also wish all the other teams the best of luck in the tournament. See you next week !


Low seed teams

Among these 9 teams, several of them could surprise and give a hard time to the high seed teams. They will give everything they have to get qualified for the double elimination bracket.



Four of these girls have been playing together since almost 5 months, which probably allowed them to get a good teamplay, and an efficient communication. zon1Q joined them only one month after, near Christmas. A few weeks from the event, they asked various sponsors to fund their trip to Denmark. For their first offline event, these girls decided to attend Copenhagen Games, quite a challenge for them !


Statement from Silje "PeiaSørlie :

We were really thrilled to recieve the news that we are going to Copenhagen Games. During the last few weeks we had a rough time finding the money to finance the trip to Denmark - However everyone within the team including our manager Menix worked really hard the last few weeks to make this trip come true.
As this is our first LAN event as a team, we are taking every opportunity to practice intensively for the remainder of the days prior to the tournament.
Hopefully we can go prepared and match the level of competition - to provide interesting and exciting matches!




In this team are 3 former Millenium players, in the persons of aME, aLx- and Nasty. It is needless to say that there is already a good cohesion between these girls. Cerizz, former 3DMAX, and Cla, more than experienced player, also join the team. Amelie "aME" Raoul girls only had one month of preparation for this event, we'll see if it was enough.


Statement from Amélie "aME" Raoul :

Copenhagen Games will be our first event since the team reorganization. The team is now composed of aLx, Cerizz, Cla, Nasty and myself. About our preparation for this event, we train regularly on evenings, and we are currently competing in the Arena League online female tournament.

Our goal for this event is to compete with the better teams. We'd like to thank Crystal Serv and Western Digital for their welcome and support.




Formerly DSRACK Female, they lost the support of their sponsor a few weeks before CPH. This team almost couldn't attend the event, but far from being discouraged, these girls found a new sponsor to fund 4 of their travels. As one of the girls is coming from Spain, they organized an online fundraising to pay the her travel. If these girls fight as much ingame as they do in real life, their games should be worth watching !


Statement from Kathrine "kathrine" Jensen :

We are a Danish female team, formed January first.  Each and every one of us had been walking around wondering if it was possible to make a danish female cs:go team. Before January we didn't know eachother at all, but we all had one person in common,that was Michaela. Knowing us all, she brought us together, the chemistry between us was great, even though we had different backgrounds in gaming.  We started out having dsrack as our mainsponsor, but that didn't work out really well, so we decided to part.

We tried to find ourselves a home for a while, searching for sponsors and organizations, and luckily we found Firstblood.dk, or you can say they found us.

Firstblood.dk is an organization who is supported by Komplett.dk, who is hosting tournaments, streaming, and doing as much as they can to support eSport. They really wanted to support the female scene, and to help it grow bigger and stronger that's why we are now under their wings, and we are really proud to be a part of them.

Juliebabz is the only girl, who has played on a female team before. She's a well-known player from the 1.6 female scene. She has played on different female teams, such as: cyotos, aDarma, Passive, AuroraGaming and Inferno Online. She has got a lot of LAN experience such as: ESWC in 2008, 2010, 2011, ESL finals in Germany 2009 and loads of local LANS. 

sofielicious and michaela- have been playing together for a while, and are pretty well-known here in Denmark, both are  from the Source scene. They  have been attending different LAN tournaments with mix-teams. They both have a great attitude, skill and a fighting spirit in them. Both are really important for our team, not only  because of their amazing skill, but also, as before mentioned, their spirits and their will to keep going.

Bubbi and kathrine are both new to the game. They've both been playing CS:source for fun since 2008, but when CS:GO came out, they both started playing the game more and more competitively. Neither of them have been in a team before, many might see this as a weakness, but we see it as an opportunity.  It is really rare to find such committed, determined and ready-to-learn players as these two.

When we began as a team we all had the same goal. To be the best female team there is, and show people that girls can do a lot more than just be pretty and work in the kitchen :p

We practice almost every day. We've attended a LAN event in Denmark called HKLAN, to get the LAN-experience, and to get to know eachother in real life. At HKLAN we qualified for the A-tournament, getting through the groups.

Since we are a pretty new team ofcourse we have expectations, but we do not have the same expectations as teams who have played together for a long time. What we want from this event, is to go there and give it all we have in us, and see how far we can go, a top 3 would of course be awesome, but we have to face the facts, and the facts are that we are new and unexperienced compared to other teams.

We fear all of the female teams. The female scene is full of strong players so off course, we fear them all.  Teams worth mentioning are ofc teams like epsilon and O+, who are really strong teams with strong, talented and very experienced players.

We are really looking forward to show the Firstblood.dk and Komplett.dk flag at Copenhagen games in the Sennheisers Female CS:GO tournament. We would also like to use this opportunity to thank our new sponsors for believing in us :)




The core of this team is made of two former Reason Gaming, who have been joined by two French players : CeleN who played competitively on CS:S with Gigabyte, and Kim, playing since two years and who has a good potential according to her teammates. The last girl to join this team is Emma, a former 1.6 and Source German player with a lot of offline experiences.


Statement from Abigail "Abiii" Glover :

We are extremely excited to have this opportunity to attend the Copenhagen event and take part in its first Women’s CS:GO tournament!

As a newly established team, formed in February, the past few weeks for us have been very important. We've taken our time to really get to know each other and build a strong bond between players, both in and out of games. The foundations of a good team needs to be steady from the beginning, so it's been our aim to really grow to understand each other, everyone's play styles, thoughts and personalities; so this short amount of time has been a very rapid learning curve for us.

We’ve spent our time running through the maps together, practicing positions, learning a few basic strategies and just generally trying to sort out our communication as a team; this has been the basis of our preparation for the Copenhagen tournament, but also, as a new team starting our journey together.

Our ambitions for this tournament - we can only ask of ourselves to try our best and to play to the best of our abilities. We have all had some LAN experience before, but this will be our first event together; with the little preparation we've had, we want to stay realistic. We will be absolutely delighted if we are able to place top 3/4 at this event, but it will all come down to how well we can hold our nerves on the day. We are excited to see what our first LAN event will hold – Although, I think we are more excited to meet and spend time together; it will bring us closer together and give us the motivation to keep up our progress.

Our real focus, as a new line-up, is building experience with each other – so we will be taking each LAN event as a step forward to us progressing as a team. As a team you have to understand that things will take time; you will face some difficulties and problems, but you must learn from your mistakes to move forward and develop. We rely on our stability to see us through in the long-term, and we know that we have a bright future ahead of us.

We are all very motivated and determined players - we have a very promising line-up but we know that we have to put in a lot of hard work to achieve where we hope to be in the future; but we believe that this tournament will be the beginning of something extremely exciting for us.

We are looking forward to meeting all of the teams and players at the event, both the new and the old - and we look forward to seeing how they all perform. It will be very intriguing to see now how the teams who have been together longer, compare to some of the more newly formed female teams, but I think that every match will be just as interesting to watch as the last! I think female tournaments are very uncertain, and you never know which way the games are going to go - There will be plenty of surprises and hopefully few disappointments!

We wish all the teams the best of luck and see you at the event :)! And a quick thank you to fm-eSports and our sponsors for supporting us!


 Imaginary Gaming


Champion of France of the first ESWC on CS:GO, and top4 at the international tournament, Rose "PrincesS" Sarite girls are expected by the other teams at CPH. Of the former team, only AmandiiNe and PrincesS remains. They have been joined by Lalità, chiffon and Chelxie. Former eXtensive player, Chelxie ranked second at Epsilan 10, after losing against n!faculty.


Statement from Rose "PrincesS" Sarite :

Hello everybody ! We are really glad being able to attend our first international event, apart from ESWC which were hold in Paris. Since ESWC, our game, and particularly our players significantly evolved. Moreover, we unfortunately had to go though some roster changes (KLy departure for Millenium, whom we replaced with Chelxie). Yet, we will attend the CPH hoping to show what we got, and whatever the result we will do our best to go as far as possible, knowing that the level will be really high !

We trained as much as possible, despite the little time we had. We will try to represent Imaginary Gaming colours the best we can. Imaginary Gaming without who we could not attend this event. This is why I talk in the name of my entire team to thank them for trusting us.

 Good luck to all the teams !


 Infernity Ladies


This team, created in 2012 in order to attend ESWC female tournament unfortunately didn't make it through the groupstage. Yet, they scored a good number of rounds against Imaginary Gaming and Reason, which suggested good things for later. This team kept the same lineup since ESWC, and they are not to underestimate.


Statement from Katarína "LejuskA" Takácová :

Our preparation for CPH is based on almost everyday training. We are focused on improving tactics, working on our personal performance, reduce mistakes and make our teamplay better. Apart from trainings, we of course play also on deathmatch servers to improve our aim and reflex.

Our ambitions are to show solid performance.Play equal matches with everyone and win as much as possible. There will be alot strong teams, which will be hard for us, but we are self-confident. Its great opportunity to show our progress since ESWC in Paris.

On CPH is now registered 13 teams, competition is tough. From my point of view, stronger teams are Alternate, Epsilon and nifaculty. Now its just on us, what we will show there and how far we will get in this tournament. I am looking forward to this event, its big challenge, i hope we wont betray.




Recently recruited by Millenium, this team is composed of 4 former 1.6 players and a former CS:S player. They had less than a month to prepare for CPH, but they have the chance of having a gaming house at disposal. It is known that bootcamping teams improve faster than online playing teams. Moreover, the 1.6 players of the team have attented to a lot of offline events which will help them handling the stress of such an event.


Statement from Déborah "TORKA" Teissonière :

Our team is composed of RiTTa, MiTsu, iZee, KLy and myself. The only girl coming from CS:Source is KLy. The 3 other girls and I know each other since a while now. The team BTB, world champion in 2006, was already composed with RiTTa, MiTsu and iZee. At the end of the month, we will attend CPH and we try to train very rigorously. We are working on a lot of things, KLy learns us new things. We will bootcamp two times before the event ; the first time was on the weekend from 8 to 10 March, and the second one will be the weekend right before CPH. Our goal is top1, we work a lot for it. We know there are a lot of good teams such as Alternate, Epsilon and n!fazculty and we know they will be tough opponents. Finally, a big thanks to Millenium for offering us all we need. And good luck to all the teams attending CPH. May the best team win !




This team created in November 2012 chose Copenhagen Games as their first event. Nobody knows what to expect from them, they could do an unexpected performance. This event will before everything help them get the basics of teamplay.


Statement from Matilde "Mattye" Wiik :

Valkyries is a female CS:GO team established in November 2012. We are consisting of five players: Yeahnie (Sweden), Janksson (Sweden), StarFox (Denmark), Layla (Germany) and Mattye (Norway).

Preparing for Copenhagen Games has been a joyful but yet a busy ride. As we were struggling finding a fifth player we started rather late preparing ourselves for the actual competition. As soon as Layla joined in we started practicing the different maps. Our goal with these practices was to make five rather individual players into a solid team. As our team to this date is rather new, our focus was on making us know each other as players and be able to read each other in game as well as the players would feel comfortable with their positions in the team, both in-game and outside of the game.

Our expectations for the competition itself is to go to the games as a team and try and place as best as we can. This will the first competitive LAN for most of our players, so it’s about trying to overcome the pressure and keep our heads cold while in game. We are, as all teams in it to win it, but at the same time try to have fun, and enjoy the fact that the female scene is growing a bit more for each day. 


 Virtus pro


Exilia and parti are playing together since a few months. Llo, vilga and Leya joined them in January. Each of them already won some events, in Russia or elsewhere in Europe. The Belgian player of the team, Llo, played for eXtensive Ladies on CS:S in 2011. The various offline events these girls played, and the 1.6 experience of Exilia and parti indicate that this team is to be followed.


Statement from Polina "Exilia" Paraka :

After the transition to the new version of Counter-Strike, the clan faced some start-up problems. Although the 1.6 version offered a large number of promising Russian players, there was almost no one after it. Thus, I decided to "internationalize" the composition. Due to mine and Alena's "parti" Kuzminykh past experience from 1.6, we tried to play with some familiar ladies who acquainted us to Laura "Llo" Van Assche, very experienced Belgium player.

However, for some time we couldn't make a decision whether to remain playing with full Russian composition, or to start playing in international structure. Eventually, we made a choice to make line up with Laura and later on another player from Europe.

With Alena we found the third Russian player for Virtus.pro ladies composition. She has wide game experience, Ksenia "vilga" Klyuenkova. As 5th player who is now representing Virtus.pro ladies colors we found Lea "Leya" Nemec , she spent a lot of her free time in game and showed potential.

Virtus.pro ladies line-up got complete on 18 January. We started with regular 4-5 days practices and at same time preparations for Copenhagen Games LAN in middle of February. Practices started from scratch, so we are still working on team-play and building our game up. We hope to get as much experience as we can from Sennheiser Female Counter-Strike: Global Offensive event. Find mistakes which don't show up during online play, correct them and become better. We are practicing as much as we can at this moment and will play our best we can at the given time.

We don't fear any team to play against, we don't underestimate our opponents either, we enter game and give our best to win each game. 
All in all, our goal is to win as many games possible, and next to that gain more experience. So we are every month closer to achieve our long term plans.

Page 4: English Version
ty for the english version ^^
You're welcome Kaat ! We try to translate some of our articles in English when we think it's useful for the community.
En réponse à Kaat #1 - Répondre à ce commentaire
6 point(s)
j'aime ca, ca me donne envie d'apprendre le francais plus vite ^^
En réponse à SicknesS #4 - Répondre à ce commentaire
6 point(s)
Haha et je te réponds en anglais alors que je sais pertinemment que tu parles français ! xD
En réponse à Kaat #8 - Répondre à ce commentaire
3 point(s)
En réponse à SicknesS #9 - Répondre à ce commentaire
0 point(s)
google trad
En réponse à Kaat #8 - Répondre à ce commentaire
-2 point(s)
Les filles d'imG y vont de leur propres moyens? Ou elles sont envoyées par la structure?
Par la structure :)
En réponse à festeN #2 - Répondre à ce commentaire
2 point(s)
Gooooo FM et Alternate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ah le coquin :$
En réponse à to1nou #6 - Répondre à ce commentaire
2 point(s)
oh le filou ^_^
En réponse à to1nou #6 - Répondre à ce commentaire
1 point(s)
Si le spectacle est à la hauteur de l'eswc sa va vraiment être une belle compétition. GL les filles !
du top FR encore, petite mise sur les img :)
#14 hic
Ce membre est banni définitivementModifié le 25/03/2013 à 21:42:49
go Millenium :p
Go img ! go sephi aussi :)

ps : Et kim la foudre :p
haa TONTON tu me tue a chaque fois toi XD
En réponse à tONTONNNNN #15 - Répondre à ce commentaire
0 point(s)
Qui a dit que la scène féminine n'existait pas ? Elle est super intéressante sur go ! Que de nationalités !
Sauf que le niveau de jeu et faible et qu il tjrs pas d interet a partr que c est des filles qui tienne une souris...
En réponse à ShanKaVieL #16 - Répondre à ce commentaire
-7 point(s)
Y'en a qui sont pas si mauvaise que ca ;)
En réponse à mOE #18 - Répondre à ce commentaire
3 point(s)
Depuis quand Bernard Lacombe a un compte vakarm ?
En réponse à mOE #18 - Répondre à ce commentaire
1 point(s)
Dommage qu'Ubinited ne fasse pas le déplacement :(
Yep !too baad
En réponse à FUUUUUUUUUUUUU #20 - Répondre à ce commentaire
0 point(s)
Jolie preview sck :)
énormément de line up française en Inter chez les femmes ! Ca fait plaisir !
Julie on B (inferno) THE WALL ! :D
des nouvelles de iNation (ex-eSports Serbia) ?

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